Bislett Games dag 1 - "Jordbærfesten"

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Wednesday 11 Jun 2025 18:15

Ends Wednesday 11 Jun 2025 21:00
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Event information


Bislett Games er straks utsolgt - vi utvider med en dag

Oslo Bislett Games / Wanda Diamond League 12. juni er straks utsolgt. Aldri har interessen vært så stor som i år, så stevnet utvides med en ekstra dag. Jordbærselskapet, som vanligvis skjer dagen før, flyttes til Bisletts indre bane og blir til "Folkets jordbærfest", etterfulgt av live idrett.

Jordbærfesten åpnes med intervjuer med stjerner som Mondo Duplantis, Karsten Warholm, Jakob Ingebrigtsen og Julien Alfred som skal delta 12.juni.

Programmet inkluderer:

  • Landskamp i trekamp med Markus Rooth og Sander Aae Skotheim mot bl.a. Simon Ehammer SUI og Johannes Erm EST. Lengdehopp 11. juni, 110 meter hekk og spyd 12. juni.
  • Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal prøver seg på Ingrid Kristiansens legendariske norgesrekord på 10 000 meter.
  • Slegge med Eivind Henriksen og Thomas Mardal mot de beste i verden. 
  • 100 meter med de raskeste parautøverne, inkludert Salum Kashafali.

Det jobbes med ytteligere øvelser og de blir publisert fortløpende på våre sosiale medier. 

Forprogram 18:30-19:00
Intervjuer 19:00-19:30
Hovedstevne 19:30-21:00

Alle får gratis jordbær!

Praktisk på stadion:

- Stadion åpner kl.18:15 

- Alle seter er nummererte. Adkomst Inngang 2. Servering av jordbær

- Rullestol og ledsager-plass Felt H: Ledsagere går gratis sammen med rullestolbruker. 

- Servering: kiosk kun alkoholfritt på stadion.

- Barnebilletter gjelder for barn under 16 år. 

Ruter Billett for buss, trikk og T-bane Sone 1 er inkludert i billetten hele dagen 11.juni. 

Adkomst kollektivtransport: buss 21, trikk 17/18.



Peoples strawberry party, June 11th 2025.

Pre event to Oslo Bislett Games - Wanda Diamond League 

Bislett Games Sold Out - We Are Adding an Extra Day

Oslo Bislett Games / Wanda Diamond League on Thursday, June 12, is almost sold out.
"Never in our 60-year history have we experienced such interest as we have this year," says meet director Steinar Hoen.
As a result of this, and the fact that Norway now has many fantastic athletes in events not part of the Diamond League program, Bislettalliansen has decided to extend the event with an additional day.
The legendary strawberry festival, always held the day before the event, will be moved to the inner field at Bislett Stadium, becoming "The People’s Strawberry Festival." This will be followed by live sports with international participants.

This is the schedule for "Bislett Games Day 1 - The Strawberry Festival" on Wednesday, June 11:

In traditional fashion, the strawberry festival will begin with presentations and interviews with some of the biggest stars. But this time, it will take place from the inner field at Bislett Stadium. Among those participating will be Mondo Duplantis, Karsten Warholm, Jakob Ingebrigtsen, and Olympic 100-meter champion for women, Julien Alfred.
"This will be a great opportunity for everyone who hasn’t been able to get a ticket for the Oslo Bislett Games the next day to see and hear the biggest stars. To create the true strawberry festival atmosphere, we’ll treat everyone who comes to a free cup of strawberries," says Hoen.

He adds that the gates will open at 18:30, and the event itself will run from 19:00 to 21:00, with ticket sales for this event starting today (March 17).

"We hope as many people as possible will come the day before the big day, as we have an exciting sports menu that we will continue to develop in the coming weeks," he says.

What is confirmed so far includes the following:

Olympic decathlon champion Markus Rooth and European indoor heptathlon champion Sander Aae Skotheim will compete as a Norwegian team against Switzerland, with Simon Ehammer, and Estonia, with Johannes Erm, in a national team competition in the triathlon.
The long jump will be held during the strawberry festival on Wednesday, June 11, while the 110 meter hurdles and javelin will be part of the Oslo Bislett Games on Thursday, June 12.

European half-marathon champion from Rome last summer, Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal, will attempt to break Ingrid Kristiansen’s legendary Norwegian record of 30:13.74 in the 10,000 meters, which was a world record when it was set in 1986. Another athlete ready to compete here is the Dutch silver medalist in the 10,000 meters from the European Championships in Rome last summer, Diane van Es. She also holds the European record for the 5,000 meters road race.

Norwegian hammer throwers Eivind Henriksen and Thomas Mardal will also have the opportunity to showcase their skills on this day against parts of the world elite.

There will also be a 100 meters featuring the world’s fastest para-athletes in any category. Here, Salum Kashafali will face off against the fastest para-athletes in several other classes than the ones he normally competes against.

"The rest of the program will be finalized in the coming weeks and launched gradually as it becomes clear," concludes Hoen.

18:30-19:00: Pre-program
19:00-19:30: Interviews from the inner field
19:30-21:00: Main event

-The Stadium opens 6:15pm.

- Tickets for children: under 16 years.

- We serve food and drinks from our kiosk. Alcohol is not allowed in the stadium.

- Ticket for Public transport with buss, tram and tube are included in the ticket for the event all day June 11th within area 1". Bus nr.21, tram nr.17 and 18 goes to Bislett.



Kjøpte billetter refunderes ikke.
Ruter Billett for buss, trikk og T-bane Sone 1 er inkludert i billetten hele dagen.
Adkomst kollektivtransport: buss 21, trikk 17/18.


Oslo Bislett Games
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